The fact that US troops fought terrorist and enemy groups with laser weapons would only be a matter of time in reality.

The end of January, 'super fighter

Lockheed Martin has developed more fuel cell technology on the HULC skeleton, to support US ground troops.

Military media predicted that in 2010, the T-95 super tank, more strongly evaluated than the main tank T-90, will appear in the Russian military staff.

Designed for aerial melee combat, the arrival of R-73 - Russia's No. 1 air-to-air missile, shocked many countries.

The Pentagon is seeking the best way to stop chemical weapons attacks against the United States with a powerful 'insect machine'.

The B2 stealth bomber of the US military passed

MI-28N, the most advanced helicopter model of the Russian Air Force, is equipped with the most modern weapons equipment to be able to operate in all weather conditions.

Considered by military experts as the least noise-generating diesel submarine in operation, the Kilo-class submarine was dubbed the invisible sea assassin.

Although operating for 14 years, Admiral Kuznetsov has not stopped once because it is the only carrier of the Russian Navy.