Russian scientists decipher the message of aliens

According to the eminent Russian mathematician Vladimir Pakhomov, aliens have visited the earth and left their calendar system with a message for earth civilization.

Picture 1 of Russian scientists decipher the message of aliens

Russian mathematician, Vladimir Pakhomov (Photo: midi-ebooks)

The mathematician said: "I don't see the message from aliens by chance, but I look for it. With a firm belief that they have visited our earth . " Many experts pay attention to some coincidences that they can find in legends and stories about the alien visit of the earth in ancient times.

The explorer Erich von Daeniken wrote that people are very difficult to find alien traces on earth. The ocean occupies two-thirds of the planet's surface, snow and ice cover the two poles of the earth, and the vast desert and forest trees occupy the rest of the planet.

Daeniken thinks that aliens (if they were on Earth) must have thought about how to leave their kind of message on earth to survive over thousands of periods.

Russian scientist Vladimir Pakhomov believes that aliens may have left their calendar system on earth . For example, the ancient Egyptian pharaohs had a rather strange oath when they were crowned emperor: They promised not to change the calendar system, even if it was only the slightest modification.

Many ancient manuscripts also indicate that the wise god has two names: Thoth and Hermes have drafted and kept some ' books ' secret before he returned to heaven. Researcher Graham Hancock writes in his book The Mirror of Heaven, that the books of the god of wisdom exist long and invisible for centuries. The legends also say that this god did not want people to find and read the books, because humans did not deserve that honor.

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Erich von Daeniken is searching for strange traces in Dendera, Egypt

Humans do not have the knowledge and technology necessary to read aliens' calendar systems, but this kind of calendar nonetheless exists on the earth. Scientist Pakhomov said: 'I was shocked at the matrix of the eternal calendar, found on the walls of the Cathedral of Sophia in Kiev, Ukraine. The matrix is ​​designed to be able to determine the calendar structure of any year. For example, you can easily find your birth date in 100 years with the help of the eternal calendar. '

Pakhomov used the calendar of the Sophia Cathedral as the starting point for deciphering ancient documents written in cryptography.

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