Sammi sensor detects the product

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Research Institute in Germany have created a millimeter-millimeter (SAMMI) sensing device (SAMMI) that can penetrate non-transparent (non-transparent) materials. harm. This sensor can be used in food production lines to ensure that the food package is sufficiently weight and free from impurities.

Picture 1 of Sammi sensor detects the product

"The sensor (SAMMI) helps detect: debris hidden in diapers, air bags contained in plastic, broken almond pancakes and food in the food. It can detect and monitor dehydration in plants during severe droughts. " According to Dr. Helmut Essen, Head of Sensors and Radiometric Radar Science, Fraunhofer Research Institute, Germany.

The antennas transmit and receive signals (electromagnetic waves 78GHz) while the conveyor belt transports samples (products) between these antennas (integrated on 02 rotary tables mounted opposite the inside of the sensor. SAMMI).

Different areas of the sample (product) will absorb the signals to varying degrees and will indicate a distinct (structural difference) difference.

"Basically, we scanned the object (using the SAMMI sensor) to look for differences. The image of the sample (product) will appear in real time on the screen of the scanner" , Dr Helmut Essen explains.

In the future, along with improved upgrades (transmitting and receiving antennas) of the SAMMI sensor to the terahertz frequency. Researchers believe that in addition to detecting aliens, the SAMMI can also analyze the chemical composition of the product (for example, identify: Product A is made from plastic what).