Scary enemies of artificial satellites

The earth's low orbital artificial satellites are designed to resist magnetic storms, but their lifespan can be greatly reduced if super storms occur.

When an explosion occurs on the upper layer of the sun, the earth's atmosphere will suffer high-flow particles. These particles can hinder or paralyze artificial satellites on Earth's low orbit.

Artificial satellites can break down, even stop working, in storms from. However, the threat only existed for a few days after the storm struck.

The level of danger can be increased significantly if the storm from super strong happens, because the electron and the particles carrying energy from the sun will accelerate when it rushes into the earth's atmosphere.

Picture 1 of Scary enemies of artificial satellites
The Hubble Space Telescope and artificial satellites on the earth's low orbit can be damaged by super-magnetic storms. (Photo: NASA)

National Geographic said that Yuri Shprits, a geophysicist at the University of California in the US, used a computer model to study the effects of magnetic super typhoons on low orbital artificial satellites.

The model shows that, in most magnetic storms, the rate of movement of charged particles decreases or remains constant as they plunge into the Earth's atmosphere. However, if the magnetic super typhoon occurs, the speed of charged particles increases as they plunge into the atmosphere. The greater the speed of charged particles, the higher their potential to damage parts in artificial satellites.

'Blocking such charged particles is not only difficult but also expensive. They penetrate the shells of artificial satellites and penetrate semiconductors, where they can create an increase in voltage that causes electronic devices to fail , 'explained Shprits.

Shprits predict that most artificial satellites on low orbit will fail in a few years if a super typhoon occurs. But what is more remarkable is the impact of magnetic storms that can last up to a decade.

'Based on the calculations, we assume that super-magnetic storms will reduce the operating time of the low orbital artificial satellite by 10% , ' Shprits said.

Scientists have never discovered super typhoons since the era of the universe (from the 50s to the present). According to historical documents, it is possible that the most recent super typhoon occurred in 1859. However, many scientists consider that a super typhoon from another occurrence is only a matter of time.

'Super-magnetic storm is a rare phenomenon, but it definitely happens,' Shprits said.