Scary warning about the risk of terrorism with Ebola bombs

A US military expert warned, the "Islamic State" terrorist organization (IS) may be considering using the Ebola virus as a suicide weapon to combat the West.

Ebola is currently spread through direct contact with infected people who have revealed symptoms outside. And it wouldn't be difficult if fanatics like IS rebels intentionally infected the virus and then moved to the countries they wanted to scatter.

Captain Al Shimkus, a professor of national security issues at the US Naval War College, said the situation was entirely possible. Forbes magazine quoted the military expert as saying: "Individuals exposed to the Ebola virus will become carriers. In the context of terrorism, there will be nothing complicated to advance to the next stage. using people to spread the disease ".

Professor Anthony Glees, director of the University of Buckingham Security and Intelligence Research Center (UK), also praised the view. Mr. Glees expressed: "In some respects, this is a perfectly reasonable hypothesis. IS gunmen believe in suicide and turning themselves into Ebola carriers is a way of promising a mission. They are desperate enough and know the information to consider it. "

Picture 1 of Scary warning about the risk of terrorism with Ebola bombs
Gunmen of the "Islamic State" terrorist organization (IS).(Photo: AP)

Ebola virus is causing an outbreak of outbreaks in West Africa today, with 3,800 cases of death within a few months. The first cases outside West Africa, were also reported recently in Europe and the United States. Some commentators recommend that countries need to consider the risk of IS, which could make the Ebola situation worse.

In the May 2013 issue of Global Policy, Amanda Teckman - author of the article entitled "Ebola bioterrorism threat in East Africa as well as lessons for security and global health" , also mentioned the risk of an Ebola virus bioterrorism attack from East Africa and called on the public not to ignore it.

Not only are the warnings and concerns about the possibility of Ebola being abused as a biological weapon in fact has been the catalyst for the birth of the Bioshield (Biological Shield) project worth $ 5.6 billion in U.S.A. Approved by US President George W. Bush in 2004, the project aims to secure generous funding for scientists to study anti-biological measures, as well as promote research against Chemical, radioactive and nuclear agents.

However, Jennifer Cole, senior researcher of the independent advisory body on security, national defense and international affairs, RUSI, emphasized, is not the best time for with terrorists to use the tactics above.

Cole said: "People are looking for signs of Ebola at the present time, so terrorists have little chance of leaving with it. Another problem with the Ebola virus is that it is very difficult to control. Rebels can end up killing themselves before having the chance to infect others, for suicide attacks, forcing explosive bars around the chest is much more effective. "