Science affirms: Modern fathers have evolved, all thanks to mothers

As modern society grows more and more, the role of wife in the family gradually passes over to her husband. Men are now not only resourceful in their careers, but also increasingly good at taking care of children and sharing family work.

In the past 15 years, there have been many changes in the so-called "good father". Fathers now have a closer position in their children's lives. Now the scene of my father holding me in front of my chest, changing diapers, or telling stories to my children is no longer strange.

Picture 1 of Science affirms: Modern fathers have evolved, all thanks to mothers
Fathers today must learn how to balance work responsibilities and family care.

A survey at the American Fatherhood Center showed that: In the past decade alone, the number of fathers who took their children to school, attended parenting classes in the center, taught their children and went to school. Parent meetings have increased significantly.

These great changes in the fathers' roles did not happen overnight. Men do not naturally wake up one day and decide that they need to change diapers more often. As the role of women in the economy grows, many men choose (and are forced by circumstances) to become more active in taking care of their families.

Picture 2 of Science affirms: Modern fathers have evolved, all thanks to mothers
Today's fathers are very different, caring and caring for their families more.

There is clear evidence that today's fathers have changed a lot from the previous generation. A concrete example is Frank Stafford's study at the University of Michigan. Research has shown that the amount of housework that men do between 1976 and 2005 has doubled, while the figure for women has decreased.

The good thing about fathers attending family work is that they can bring much value to their children. However, there is also a disadvantage: that today's fathers lack experience from those who went before. Their working time is also not very flexible, and completely lack of instructional materials.

In general, men often have to take care of themselves and be creative in caring for their families. However, this also gives them the opportunity to build a new father model closer for generations to come.

Modern mothers will have a great influence on the way fathers build their image. The ability to succeed in making a father of a man depends very much on his wife or partner.

Here are some factors that wives might consider to support husbands in completing the most favorable fatherhood.

Picture 3 of Science affirms: Modern fathers have evolved, all thanks to mothers
If you are raised by a father who does not show affection, you will require - even extremely high demands - that your partner must show more affection for their children.

Learn from your own father : More or less, the wife's expectations of husbands will be affected by her father's relationship.

For example, if you are raised by a father who does not show affection, you will require - even extremely high demands - that your partner must show more affection for your children. .

Because of this, you may be particularly sensitive to issues related to expressing your emotions, and you will greatly appreciate your partner's efforts to show love to your children.

Say what you want : If your partner does not meet the actual requirements, make it clear. Look at parenting as well as any other relationship issues, ask what you want and agree with your husband.

However, don't argue in front of your children. If you're really unhappy about something, don't pretend that everything is okay, because this only makes you feel frustrated. In the long run, this discomfort will erode relationships.

Picture 4 of Science affirms: Modern fathers have evolved, all thanks to mothers
When fathers are left out or considered poorer in parenting, a negative loop happens.

Encourage the best parenting ability in your partner: Few men are raised with the thought that caring for children and family are necessary qualities.

They are not even taught how they need to be prepared for fatherhood. For many fathers, the first child they hold in their arms is their child. When fathers are left out or considered inferior in parenting, a vicious negative loop will happen. The mother does more, feels more confident in raising children, but will feel frustrated and overwhelmed.

In the meantime, the father does less, he feels less confident in taking care of the child, and feels inhibited because of being left out.

Please respect the parent-child relationship . Fathers need to be motivated, to spend time building their relationships with their children.

The study clearly shows that a strong parent-child relationship is a way to prevent risks, and is an abundant source of energy for children, fathers and families.

Well-known researcher John Gottman has learned that children with their father show more affection will learn better at school, have better relationships and connect with teachers better than children who are not fathers show love.