Scientists are about to prove that Einstein is wrong?

This idea has been around since 1990, but it has not been officially tested yet.

Scientists are preparing to experiment to prove that our entire understanding so far about the universe is completely wrong.

Picture 1 of Scientists are about to prove that Einstein is wrong?
Space structures like galaxies are stored in CMB.

The law of light speed was once considered the norm. Accordingly, the speed of light does not change and is the basis for many other theories such as the expansion of the universe and the Big Bang.

Specifically, the reality in the universe, the speed of light is much faster than it is today (~ 300,000km / sec) and scientists are hoping to prove it through cosmic microwave background. (CMB) is the aura of radiation emitted after the Big Bang , which is regarded as a kind of image storage data of the early universe. The higher speed of light will make the spectral index higher.

Space structures like galaxies are stored in CMB. Currently, research groups are still looking for ways to measure the spectral index.

Professor João Magueijo, from Imperial College London, said now is the ideal time to verify the hypothesis. If so, then the new discovery will change Einstein's theory.