Four years after its publication, Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity was verified by a rare astronomical phenomenon, catapulting his fame to new heights.

When did you want to kill time, keep staring at the clock and hopefully time will pass faster? Of course the time is still the same, not favoring anyone.

If we go deeper into the analysis and further inference from Einstein's theory, we will have convincing explanations about ghosts.

The groundbreaking discovery of gravitational waves, ripples in space and time predicted by Albert Einstein 100 years ago, published in February this year is not a blessing.

Finding gravitational waves is extremely difficult, so we can say this is an extraordinary discovery. And let's try to see what we need to know about this extraordinary discovery.

This idea has been around since 1990, but it has not been officially tested yet.

Gravitational waves and cosmic black holes are concepts that only enthusiasts can understand. So how about ordinary people, we will have to understand these two concepts?