Scorpion venom has two types?

A group of scientists at the University of California (USA), led by Professor Bruce Hammock, has advanced Picture 1 of Scorpion venom has two types?

African scorpion - Parabuthus transvaalicus
(Photo: museums)

The study of an African scorpion with the scientific name Parabuthus transvaalicus, is often considered to be the most unique today, and they found that this species always has two different distinct toxins.

When faced with danger, first, the animal will secrete a clear liquid. Next is a more concentrated substance like custard to finish the fight.

Experts say it's also a pretty clever strategy for this scorpion because to release that deadly venom, scorpions have to spend a lot of energy. So they seek to fend off their eyes with a fast-acting poison, which is also painful but not fatal enough, but only to drive away the enemy. In addition, the production of this 'pre-threatening' substance does not seem to take much effort.

Picture 2 of Scorpion venom has two types?
African scorpion - Parabuthus transvaalicus (Photo: bugsincyberspace)