See Earth's 'prophetic' animals endangered

The disappearance, mutation of many animals is considered a warning signal to the Earth about the negative changes of climate .

Ancient scientists believe that animals have senses that are more sensitive than humans. The reason is that, according to many recorded historical documents, animals such as rats, snakes or mink have fled the Greek city of Helice just a few days before the whole city was shaken by a battle. Great earthquake.

Many researchers have not fully agreed with this view. Now, with advanced science technology, we can predict changes in geology and climate. However, it is undeniable that the animal kingdom is also sending signals to us that the Earth is "sick".

Here are some signs that our friends share in anticipating the dangers of climate change and other environmental hazards.

1. Polar bears are on the brink of extinction

In 2008, this white giant is the first animal to be added to the list of endangered species threatened by global warming.

Some scientists believe that we could lose two-thirds of the polar bear population by 2050. The reason is that, rising Arctic temperatures will melt large ice sheets - birth places. live of this bear.

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The narrowing of the Arctic ice will narrow the range of bear hunting (the main food for their winter is the seal), as well as their shelter, fertility and survival.

Just having to swim a long distance between ice sheets to find food is enough to make them exhausted. Because of this, scientists agreed on the view that climate change is the biggest threat of polar bears.

2. The frog species is more mutated

Frogs are one of the important links in the evolutionary chain. However, according to the scientific report of Herpetologica - an international journal specializing in the research and conservation of reptiles and amphibians, frogs are facing the risk of disappearing from their natural habitat.

Accordingly, all frogs are gradually disappearing suddenly. Not only that, a high number of mutated frogs, malformations - a variety of genital organs appear, loss or additional organs.

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This frog has only three fingers with a length of less than 1.5cm

The main causes have been identified: fungal infection, as well as a large amount of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and stimuli that people "pump" into the environment.

4. Marine animals, corals can disappear

A recent study shows that global warming causes sea water to warm up and ocean acidification, which will increase the death of marine life and coral reefs.

Picture 3 of See Earth's 'prophetic' animals endangered

Increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in the atmosphere has increased the absorption of CO 2 into the ocean. There will be a chemical reaction that reduces the pH, making the oceans acidic.

Picture 4 of See Earth's 'prophetic' animals endangered

An acidic ocean will adversely affect the health of many marine species, including plankton, mollusks and crustaceans. In particular, corals are very sensitive to increased levels of acid because they are difficult to create, maintain the bone structure needed to support and protect themselves. Therefore, they become increasingly dilapidated and disappear.

5. The deadly elk

The latest victim of climate change is the North American elk. The initial theory showed that the increase in Earth temperature led to the proliferation of parasites such as winter ticks, brain worms, liver flukes, and bark beetles .

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This destroyed the elk's habitat, making them weaker and more vulnerable to predators. Unlike regular deer, elk are unable to remove the parasitic ticks themselves.

Scientists also say that elk can be stressed and that it can kill it when the ambient temperature rises about 5 degrees in winter.