Self-positioning chips

US experts have introduced a new line of chips capable of locating themselves without the aid of complex satellite systems.

Picture 1 of Self-positioning chips
Self-propelled guns of the US military - (photo: DARPA)

GPS really is an integral part of the everyday life of modern society, as phones, vehicles, boats and aircraft ... rely on satellite systems to locate.

However, the US military has revealed a tiny chip line that is enough to attach to a coin but possesses unusual power and mobility without the need for GPS technology.

According to Engadget, the chip contains three accelerometers, three gyroscopes and a master clock with extremely high precision.

When combined with computer software, it can pinpoint its position accurately, according to DARPA, short for the original name of the agency for advanced defense research projects.

The chip is only about 10mm 3-Space, is rated very useful when inserted in a small drones or robots, ready to become effective backup system in case of malfunction the GPS network.