Chips can heal cracks themselves

It will be extremely dangerous if a computer chip on the plane is broken or cracked. But scientists think they have found a solution to this problem, which is that chips can heal themselves.

It sounds like science fiction, but a group of engineers at the University of Illinois created a system to heal cracks , restore electrical conductivity of cracked circuits faster. 1 wink. When the crack appears, capsules smaller than 10 micrometers will release the liquid metal inside, fill the crack and regenerate the current.

Picture 1 of Chips can heal cracks themselves
There are many circuits on the plane, a self-system
Welding cracks will be extremely helpful. (Photo: Daily Mail)

Because electronics are invented to perform very complex tasks, manufacturers often integrate multiple electronic circuits on one chip. However, due to the excessive density, if any failure in the circuit occurs at any time, the whole device will stop working.

'In general, there are not many ways to fix these failures manually because the circuit is integrated with many layers so it is impossible to open each layer to fix it. Normally, people will replace the chip. But in important equipment such as equipment for the space industry or the military, the broken devices will not be replaced or repaired , "said Professor Nancy Sottos, the director of this study. know on Daily Mail.

Picture 2 of Chips can heal cracks themselves

The team said 90% of their test pieces could self-heal and recreate 99% of their original conductivity with only a small amount of these capsules. This system has many advantages such as it does not require human diagnosis or intervention or only cracked areas can be repaired because only cracked capsules will be released to release the needle. liquid type.

Researchers of the project also plan to study the system further and explore possible possibilities in using microcapsules to control the current. They are particularly interested in applying this system to the batteries of electronic devices, making them safer and more secure.