Sell ​​pizza on the Moon

The Japanese branch of the Domino multinational pizza conglomerate recently announced its intention to open a pizza restaurant on the Moon to create an advantage over their opponents.

According to the Telegraph , Domino's rival Pizza Hut had a high-pitched move in 2001 when delivering a pizza to plugged astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS).

Picture 1 of Sell ​​pizza on the Moon
Figure simulating the design of Domino's domed concrete pizza restaurant on the Moon.

Last year, Domino's tried to retaliate in a series of events that marked the 25th anniversary of the Japanese market. In particular, in December 2010, Domino's paid 2.5 million yen (more than US $ 13,000) to a pizza delivery man for an hour.

The rivalry of the two rival rivals is currently targeting the space markets, when Japanese construction company Maeda Corp. Proposing a plan to build a domed concrete restaurant for Domino on the Moon's surface.

The design shows that the restaurant is a two-story, dome-shaped structure about 26 meters in diameter with a basement built from galvanized steel and an area for pizza production. The staff will be required to reside immediately at this facility.

Maeda Corp. It is estimated that the whole project will cost about 1,670 billion Yen (nearly 21.8 billion USD), of which 560 billion Yen (nearly 7.3 billion USD) will be used to transport 70 tons of construction materials and equipment Make pizza on the Moon with 15 different missiles.

Very interested in making use of on-site materials, Domino's said it would reduce costs by using Moon deposits to make concrete. This process is estimated to cost around 194 billion yen (over $ 2.5 billion).

Tomohide Matsunaga, a Domino spokesman, said: "Last year, we started thinking about the project, although we have not decided when to launch the restaurant on the Moon. In the future, We expect more people to live on Earth's satellites like astronauts working there and ordinary residents, too . "