Video: Why is Pizza so delicious?

Let us go with scientists to find out the problem of many headache eating and drinking today.

A few months ago, a team of "brave" scientists dared to stand up to claim that mozzarella cheese is the most suitable cheese for pizza because it melts on the surface of the cake, and the flavor Its salty is indeed more amazing, than many other cheeses. Now, a group of other scientists from the American Chemistry Council have shown people a close-up view of the harmonious combination of ingredients of a favorite cheese dish that many lovers love. Like, this is part of the Reactions series of this organization.

Picture 1 of Video: Why is Pizza so delicious?
Pizza is a favorite dish of many people.

"Whether it's cheese pizza, or thin pizza with cold meats and vegetables, or any pizza, there's something that makes it hard to resist its appeal," said the caption . "There is a perfect combination of pizza ingredients, from the dough, to the cake sauce, the cake and, of course, the cheese too."

In short, as the video explains, there is something called Mailard reaction , which is something we must be thankful for because of it we can feel the "ecstatic" taste in each The pizza we enjoy.