's home surveillance sensor system, a company that specializes in connectivity solutions, has introduced a CES 2014 technology called Mother. This Russian doll-like design can monitor many elements of the house and family life. With its unique design and features, Mother received the Innovation Design & Engineering Award at CES 2014.

Picture 1 of's home surveillance sensor system

Mother will connect to the Internet in the home through the Ethernet port and be shipped with many mobile sensors called cookies. These sensors can detect location, motion and temperature. Motion Cookies will communicate wirelessly with mother and other sensors in priority radio frequencies (915 MHz in the US and 868 MHz in Europe) for multiple purposes. Out of reach, cookies can store data for up to 10 days and automatically upload data to Mother when in range.

With the Cookies sensor network scattered throughout the home and the Mother server, the system can be used to monitor walking distance, identify who is at home, record frequency using home items , temperature alert, sleep quality monitoring, etc. Message from Mother can be in the form of messages, emails and direct calls to alert in some cases, such as windows and doors. unfinished or when a family member has just arrived home.

A standard motherboard system consisting of four servers and Cookies. The product will be available from next month at a retail price of $ 222.