Google filed a patent on doorbells, door handles, and electrical outlets

Just 2 months after acquiring smart home appliance company Nest and the company that developed Dropcam surveillance cameras, Google submitted a new patent called "Security Scoring in a Smart-sensored Home".

>> Google registers patent on GPS and weather data

Google submits a series of inventions for smart houses

This is a security monitoring system that collects information from devices such as door handles, doorbells, power sockets, switches to provide users with essential information as well as the ability to react and check. check what happens in the house.

Picture 1 of Google filed a patent on doorbells, door handles, and electrical outlets

In the invention, Google refers to a "security scoring system " - an idea that considers accuracy and efficiency when users use the system as well as alerting users when there is an intrusion. Legal and notification to emergency units, quick response.

Besides the smart devices that work in conjunction with the existing Nest system , the new invention also shows many new devices such as smart doorbells, smart door handles, smart switches and sockets. .

Picture 2 of Google filed a patent on doorbells, door handles, and electrical outlets

Smart doorbells can identify when someone approaches the door and allow homeowners to communicate by sound or image with them through the system . It's possible that Google wants to use Dropcam's security surveillance camera technology on this smart doorbell invention.

Completing the verification part, the smart door handle according to Google's invention will be integrated with a remote control locking system . After confirming that the guest is standing in front of the door through a smart doorbell, the homeowner can use a mobile device connected to the system to unlock the door for guests to enter the house. In addition, the homeowner can also issue voice commands to automatically unlock the door handle.

Picture 3 of Google filed a patent on doorbells, door handles, and electrical outlets

In addition, the invention also includes an intelligent wall switch that allows adjusting the lighting conditions and automatically dimming light when needed and a smart socket that allows controlling fans or air conditioners.

In addition, to enhance the security of the system, Google also introduced smart intrusion sensors . It can be mounted on windows / doors or side walls. When activated, the sensor senses when the main window or door is opened or broken and sends the message to the homeowner via wireless communication systems such as ZigBee.