Serious warnings about Ocean life

Picture 1 of Serious warnings about Ocean life Researchers have released a warning: The global release of carbon dioxide has dramatically changed ocean chemistry and threatened marine life.

In fact, the damage has weakened the reef that has been included in the document. The coral reef is a source of living for a range of different organisms, from marine microorganisms to small fish and larger animals.

Carbon dioxide produced from the burning of fuel stones can contaminate many marine environments, researchers have made such comments in a recent outline report.

' The purity of water will inevitably change in the next century and decade and this will dramatically change the life of the ocean ,' said Joan Keypas, the first author and scientist. National Center for Meteorological Research (NCAR - Nationnal Center for Atmospheric Research) in Boulder,   Colorado said. ' But we have only just begun to understand the interplay between changes in a wide range of chemistry and marine ecology. It is really important in implementing research plans, to realize the great dangers affecting the sensitivity of marine organisms to changes . '

The report ' The impact of ocean acidification in reefs and marine organisms ' is the result of a workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The oceans always have a natural source of alkali that is suitable for them, and scientists expect that they still have the same amount of alkali, but the effect of carbon dioxide has made the ocean alkalinity less and the acidity has increased. . Concentrating calcium carbonate into masses helps marine organisms to develop their skeletons and create the structure of coral reefs, but the increase of acid reduces the concentration of these ions. carbonate.

Richard Feely said, ' This is the first thing that leads to the most profound change in ocean chemistry. in nearly 650,000 years '.

Picture 2 of Serious warnings about Ocean life

Researchers believe that marine organisms will grow more slowly or that their skeletons will become less dense, which is like osteoporosis in humans. And if so, the result is that the structure of reefs will be threatened, because coral reefs may not be able to turn into stone to compensate for corroded reefs.

' This threat hurts the reef at the same time that they are also damaged by the bleaching of bleach that appears when the earth heats up, ' said another author of the report, Chris. Langdon at Miami University.

The bleaching mass appears when the temperature rises, which will disperse tiny, colorful algae from the area where it exists, which is the food of coral reefs. Plankton in the sea and other small creatures are affected.