Sharks also have personality like humans

Although notorious for being aggressive, not all sharks are fearless predators.

Like humans, some sharks are more courageous than others . And according to Australian biologists, this means that each shark has a different personality.

Researchers at Macquarie University in Sydney (Australia) observed sharks in Jackson's Gulf Coast in southern Australia with a length of up to 1.65m and often live in the deep bottom.

Picture 1 of Sharks also have personality like humans
A shark in the experiment.(Source: Forbes).

In a study published in the Journal of Fish Biology, Australian biologists tracked 17 sharks after being taken to a new tank to emerge from hiding places and discover new places. of them.

The daring fish experiment has shown that accepting risk is part of the personality of sharks . However, there are also some that seem "more reserved" .

Observing how each shark copes with the situation when being moved between water tanks, scientists find that some sharks that are agitated and stressed will continue to respond in such experiments. Next test.

Dr. Culum Brown, head of the research team, said the personality of each human being is influenced by both the genetic and past experiences . The same thing happens for sharks. Therefore, the way they react in all circumstances will depend on the courage of each child, he said.

"Each shark is an independent individual, having predictable behavioral reactions to certain events . That means when humans and sharks are exposed, every fish fat will have a different way of responding " - he said.