Shipton's Prophets make

From an orphan, Mother Shipton, who possessed " supernatural " powers , had scary prophecies about events that would take place in London hundreds of years ago.

The orphan has a special ability

Mother Shipton's real name is Ursula Southeil. She was born in a cave in the town of Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England in 1488.

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Image of Ursula - son of the devil.

Ursula's mother, Agatha Southeil, was born when she was only 16 years old. According to residents living nearby, she is the daughter of Agatha and a demon.

So, from birth, Shipton has an ugly appearance and a deformed body. Ursula grew up in solitude.

However, she possessed a " supernatural " ability , " whether it was a god ". No one knows when her prophetic ability comes from.

They only knew that all her life she would just hang around in the cave to practice " magic ." And whether it was accidentally or intentionally, that created a mysterious myth about herself.

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The picture of Mother Shipton's image.

It is said that some mysterious curse followed her from her appearance, her prophetic ability, her healing skills or even the petrified well.

"Good" remote station

Regardless of how ugly Ursula looks, the nickname " witch " is like a " magic power " that attracts many people to her. Shipton gradually became a regional celebrity.

Eventually, she married Toby Shipton, a carpenter in 1512. Local people said she might have used a love drug to get married.

According to many sources, although Ursula and Toby were unable to produce any children, they lived together smoothly and happily until the end of their lives.

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The happy home of Ursula and Toby.

Shipton's mother lived in King Henry III's time. She made many accurate predictions that made her prophetic talent often the subject of " dissection " at the 17th-century British Royal Palace.

One of the famous stories related to the Royal Palace is about Cardinal Wolsey. According to Shipton, he might just see Yorkshire and not be able to get there.

In 1530, Wolsey suddenly came up with a conflict with the king, causing him to find a shelter in the North. He was going to Yorkshire.

However, when he saw Yorkshire, he caught a messenger with the king's summons, demanding that he return to London to receive punishment for his actions.

How does a woman, who has no connection to the Royal Palace, know this? That's because she has a miraculous prophetic ability.

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Shipton's mother and Cardinal Wolsey.

Shipton's mother not only has the ability to telepathically and heal for those who come to her. She is also a master , giving advice to help people avoid disasters.

Ursula's reputation is spread everywhere. People from many remote places came to Knaresborough to meet this ugly prophet.

Legend has it that, by revealing some things she saw for those who wanted to extort money from her, she was able to escape.

Shipton has been warned many times that such actions could cause her to be burned like a witch.

Prophets of Mother Shipton

Because of predictions about future events, Shipton's mother is known as a witch, a prophet.

She saw the future of Princess Jane Gray's ascension, as well as the execution of Queen Mary of Scotland and the defeat of the Spanish fleet at the hands of Francis Drake.

It was not until 1646 that her prophecies were re-collected and printed into a collection of "Prophecy".

The latter said up to 18 articles happened exactly as predicted, including the massive fire that destroyed London in 1666.

Researchers for her predictions said even Shipton saw the coming of the Internet in the future.

One of her other famous predictions is related to modern civilization. She believes that the world will end in the 19th century, researchers say she may have mentioned the industrial revolution.

Mother Shipton died in 1561 (another figure was in 1567). She is not buried in the " holy land " (the land used to bury followers of a religion), perhaps near Clifton, England.

Petrified well

The Petrifying Well Cave , not far from Shipton's mother cave, is said to be associated with images of the demon's son.

This cave is shaped like a skull of a giant. At the same time, it was covered by the curse of demons .

According to the people, whatever touches its water is turned into stone . Many objects were turned into stone, such as bells, teapots, bicycles, teddy bears and even Victorian hats.

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The objects are affected by the petrified curse.

John Leyland, Henry VIII archaeologist, was the first to officially explore this cave. He said that before that, many people bathed in wells, drank water here and had cured.

However, after everything was affected by the flow of petrified water, people began to fear and did not believe in the divine healing spirit of the well anymore.

They did not dare to approach the well and rumored that the well was subjected to the devil's curse and feared that if they touched the water, it would be petrified.

After years of analyzing the composition of water in the well, scientists concluded that the water here is capable of petrifying the objects because the mineral content is very high in the country.

Heritage of Mother Shipton

Today, it is believed that many of the facts surrounding Shipton's mother's life were created by Richard Head.

He was the editor of his predictions, but his claims were not accepted due to the lack of information about Ursula's biographical details.

Decades after her death, no one remembered these things, so he was said to be the " creator " of it. At the same time, Head was certain that the prophecies were written by Mother Shipton.

Whether it's true or not, Shipton is still an important part of British folklore. The cave where Ursula was born is a mysterious place and attracts many tourists to it for centuries.

Shipton's mother's cave, according to scientists, is seen as an attractive place where an inexplicable " supernatural energy " contains.