According to the latest research from the prestigious journal PLOS ONE, there is a very small number of the global population who can see the world in

The secret book of the techniques used to defeat the opponent was drawn by the legendary samurai Itō Ittōsai throughout his life of kendo.

Being struck by lightning but unharmed, the Australian photographer even insisted there were some psychic powers after this unintended incident.

Our bodies are really amazing. When there is anything unusual, from pain to illness, it will have a way to tell us.

In the years of World War I and II, there was a man who exploited the mysterious power of the human spirit, opening new directions for things that were still considered

In the world today there are children who possess super powers that science cannot explain. Those mysterious things are hard to believe but true.

Many people once felt and met someone who was looking at me even though they were not in sight. Is it a psychological phenomenon or is it really the sixth sense?

From an orphan, Mother Shipton, who owns the capacity

See through as X-ray machines,

To this day, there are still many shuddering mysteries about demons and supernatural forces that exist in the world. These are all unknowns that no one has broken.