5 Extremely rare superpowers you may be possessing without knowing

can tell you immediately when something goes wrong. But with phenomena that exist right from the time of birth, it is different.

Our bodies are really amazing. When there is anything unusual, from pain to illness, it will have a way to tell us.

However, sometimes, there are symptoms, "super powers" that make themselves different from the majority of the world and you still don't know. The reason they were there was when you were born, and didn't reveal any specific characteristics.

1. Internal organs turn upside down

For normal people, the heart is on the left side, the abdominal liver is on the right, and the liver is the stomach. But there are a few people, the position of the cabinet is turned upside down, like looking at a mirror.

Their heart will be on the right, the liver is on the left. This situation is called "Situs inversus" , and it happens with 1: 10,000 of us.

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Ordinary people (left) and people who have their organs turned upside down (right).

But in addition to the opposite organs, this situation does not leave anything inconvenient. There are even people who live their whole lives without knowing it, until they accidentally perform certain tests in the hospital.

And if you're also a Situs inversus, don't worry, because it turns out there are a lot of people like you. Singer Enrique Iglesias is such a person, or so is the Canadian veteran Catherine O'Hara.

2. The ability to perceive the "taste" of words

Smell the "smell" of the music, feel the taste when reading, or see the color when someone is . yawning? It sounds weird, isn't it, but it turns out there are many people in the world who have this ability. It is called synesthesia.

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It seems that up to 20% of the population has experienced synesthesia.

This is a neurological phenomenon. It causes a sensory body to function when another sensory is stimulated. That's why when you read (visual), you feel the taste of the word again, or when you listen to music, you see some aroma rising up.

According to the latest research, it seems that up to 20% of the population has experienced synesthesia. However, some further studies suggest that not so much, but only 2% - 4% only.

But anyway, most agree that the "accompanying feeling" is a very special ability. It allows people to feel extraordinary things. Like Pharrell Williams, Billy Joel, Kanye West . for example, they think that they have synesthesia, and it helped them create great music.

However, the above cases are almost untested.

3. Super sight

You know, we can feel a lot of colors - about 1 million colors - Europe is also thanks to 3 types of cone cells that help sense light on the retina. But believe it: some people own up to four types of cone cells, and thanks to one more type, they feel up to 100 million different colors.

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Most people with tetrachromacy do not know what they are.

Science calls this hyper-visual ability tetrachromacy , and it only happens to 12% of women in the world. The reason for this gender bias lies in our chromosome (chromosome) set.

Women have XX chromosomes, while men's are XY. Gene regulates that red and green receptor cells are located in the X chromosome. To become a tetrachromacy, you need one more copy from X. That's why the colorblind people are mostly male (because they there is only one X gene, and the tetrachromacy group is always female.

Only thing, most people with tetrachromacy don't know what they have. Simply because they have never looked at life with the eyes of others?

4. Unimaginable

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This is a form of disorder that makes it difficult for the patient or to imagine any picture in mind.

When meeting events, the phenomenon is so amazing, people often say: "Unimaginable!" But it turns out, there are people who really can't imagine anything, literally.

This phenomenon is called aphantasia . This is a form of disorder that makes it difficult for the patient or to imagine any picture in mind. For example, you can easily imagine the image of a dog, but for patients with aphantasia, it is even more difficult . to go to heaven.

According to statistics, about 2% of the population suffers from this disease, but most are unaware. They could not imagine the face of the most beloved, but still able to recognize when meeting - that was the reason.

5. Flexible plastic syndrome

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These people have extremely flexible joints.

Have you ever met anyone who has the ability to bend your feet to the top of your head, or use your hand to turn around in a head?

In fact, most people have to practice a lot so that the joint bone is loose. However, some congenitally do it, because they have a "joint hypermobility syndrome".

These people have extremely flexible joints, and they do everything the circus artists have to work hard on in a very natural way. But in return, most often accompany symptoms of joint pain, tenderness, poor balance, smoother skin, and some gastrointestinal problems.

This syndrome is quite common, but it is estimated that only about 1:20 is diagnosed correctly.