Shocking discovery of dinosaurs drive and

Under a large stone, fossils of 24 dinosaur skeletons and a larger dinosaur skull were found. According to scientists, the ancient dinosaurs mentioned above date to about 190 million years.

Fossils of a baby dinosaur drive along with a 'model dinosaur' has just been found in China. According to scientists, the ancient dinosaurs mentioned above date back about 190 million years, and its existence suggests that even prehistoric dinosaurs had complex behaviors of nature. family .

Fossils are found under a large stone slab consisting of 24 dinosaur skeletons and a larger dinosaur skull. Scientists say the bigger dinosaur plays the role of 'babysitter', taking care of a group of young children.

'In my opinion, this fossil is one of the most beautiful dinosaur fossils known ,' said Brandon Hedrick, a paleontologist at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.

Picture 1 of Shocking discovery of dinosaurs drive and

All dinosaurs belong to Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis . Psittacosaurus are plant-eating dinosaurs with a length of about 1 to 2 meters, walking on two feet.

Fossil excavators have found these 120 million-year-old skeletons in northeastern China, Liaoning province. 24 baby dinosaur bones are similar in size, with a length of about 15cm."They all seem to have hatched, because the eggshell cannot be found, and the caudal bones have all grown, indicating that the animals were able to move around," Hedrick said.

The larger dinosaur skull is in the same place as 24 young dinosaurs. Even two of the young ones were interwoven with this skull, showing that the animals were together when they died.

The researchers said the large skull was about 11.6 cm long, indicating that the dinosaurs were between the ages of 4 and 5. Previous studies have shown that the Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis only reproduces. when he was 8 or 9 years old, this animal may not be the parent of the offspring.

Researchers also believe that a large dinosaur can play a babysitting role, much like an older sibling.'Some birds, such as the wren, show supportive behaviors when they stay and help their parents raise the next batch of eggs instead of getting married, " Hedrick said.

However, this behavior is not common among birds - the only surviving member of the dinosaur family. So, Hedrick warned that researchers don't know for sure whether the big Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis is a 'babysitter' for young children. It is possible that these dinosaurs have been swept away in the same volcanic mud and "unknowingly placed side by side, but there is no direct interaction when they are alive," Hedrick said.

Scientists are planning to analyze the microscopic structure of young skeletons to determine if they are at the same stage of development. If this is true, there will be more evidence to support the hypothesis that the animals have interacted.

Scientists have detailed their findings on the September issue of Cretaceous Research.