Siemens Group Germany announced it would give up nuclear power

Peter Loscher, Siemens' nuclear research and manufacturing chief executive, said the group will stop installing, building new nuclear power plants and will give up the business of interlocking equipment. nuclear power.

At the same time, it will not provide finance or bidding for any other new nuclear power projects. Peter Loscher added that Siemens will give up completely nuclear power projects. This is one of the major corporations in the world that announced to abandon nuclear power projects.

Picture 1 of Siemens Group Germany announced it would give up nuclear power
German nuclear power plant becomes a play area (Photo: Xinhuanet)

Currently, Germany owns 17 nuclear power plants, all of which are researched and installed by Siemens Group. In 2010, the amount of nuclear power added to the national grid in Germany was only 23%.

Following the nuclear power plant event at Fukushima Japan in March this year, governments such as Switzerland and Germany have announced that they will gradually shut down nuclear power plants. The governments of Japan and France have also announced a gradual reduction in dependence on nuclear power, as the bed world has said no to nuclear power.

Current nuclear power-related products that are being marketed by Siemens are the best quality products so the market problem is not a problem. With the announcement of renouncing business in nuclear power, this is a very negative signal for the development of nuclear power globally, but will not change the model of nuclear power development.