Six horned deer

A Chinese farmer said that a male deer had two horns on its head but was recently growing a new pair of horns.

According to Zhou Dianfu, from Jilin Province, this abnormal phenomenon was the result of an injury when the 7-year-old deer collided with other males.

Picture 1 of Six horned deer
The deer has 6 horns. (Photo: CEN).

"It was badly damaged by old horns and somehow it fooled itself to grow a new pair of horns while the four old horns still existed ," the farmer said on Metro.

Usually the deer choose their partners based on the monitoring of the fighting ability of the male deer. Zhou Dianfu hopes, his animal is also fortunate to find a satisfied partner.

" I have invited scientists to find out, but I think it is a way for it to become a better lover, " Zhou Dianfu said.