Skin produces a substance like cannabis

A recent study concluded that cannabis-like substances are necessary to keep skin healthy.

Do we have 'chimneys' growing on our skin?

Basically right. Our skin gathers a group of bodies that produce endocannabinoids - the body's cannabis . The largest organ that produces endogenous chimneys is the brain.

Significantly, new research confirms the long-suspected relationship between brain and skin as well as between stress and acne.

The skin also thinks

According to researcher Tamás Bíró of the University of Debrecen, Hungary, the above-mentioned compounds in the skin help gland secretions to protect the skin from external harshness, such as the drying effect of sun and wind. Cannabinoids are thought to have a similar role to marijuana leaves.

Among protective functions, the endo tube stimulates oil production and commands hair follicles to stop producing hair.

Picture 1 of Skin produces a substance like cannabis

Skin-like cannabis substances are essential to keep skin healthy.( Photo: Cannabis)

The main research funded by the German and Hungarian Governments will be published in the October 2008 issue of the journal The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal.

Why is there a mental agent that works outside the brain?

Dermatologists have long suspected that the mental state affecting the skin produces pimples, psoriasis, hair loss and other manifestations that occur simultaneously with stress. Currently, they found that the skin reacts to the same as producing compounds called neuropeptides that were previously thought to exist only in the brain. This demonstrated the link between brain and skin by identifying mechanisms?

Andrzej Slominski, a University of Tennessee researcher who was not involved in the endocannabinoids study, did research on the skin neuroendocrine system.

The relationship between brain and skin

Neuropeptite - such as serotonin, melatonin, cortisol, and perhaps endocannabinoids caused by the skin, produces reactions to stressors or rewards from the environment such as sharp spines, moisture, sunlight, or a mild wind. . These compounds, according to Slominski, can make the brain change.

In contrast, psychological stress sends signals from the brain to the skin.

The above discoveries are believed to have long-standing stories that link skin condition to mental state. Strict testing will definitely make you break out.

Slominski said that because the skin has a less complex structure than the brain, it only reacts to a few types of stress.

Therefore, the skin can react to mental pain as if our bodies are suffering from physical pain. Enhanced lubricating oil (producing oily skin), less important functions (such as hair growth) can be stopped.

Although skin is a simple structural organ, our skin tends to learn to deal with stress before the brain. The skin, the largest organ of the body , is constantly exposed to the environment causing stress. Among all organs, it has the most urgent evolutionary need to develop defense reactions.

Furthermore, the skin's stress response is altered and improved by the brain. This explains why at each agency the same compound has the same effect.

Natural "state"?

Research results can lead to breakthroughs in treatment, such as the use of endocannabinoids to treat dry skin and chronic itching . At the same time, research can inspire the search for a healthy skin and hair.

What about endo chimneys on our skin? Does it make us "critical" ?

He answered: 'Theoretically, yes' . But even though our skin keeps pushing its cannabis substances out, even if you eat your own hands, it's not enough to affect psychology.