A recent study concluded that cannabis-like substances are necessary to keep skin healthy.
Doctors at Concord Hospital in Sydney, Australia are studying ways to help patients burn by creating alternative skin layers in the lab.
Japanese researchers have published the results of a study to detect a type of adult stem cell and bone marrow bone.
Dutch and Swedish scientists have discovered stem cells of all types of skin cells.
Certainly, stem cells are not able to produce memory like the brain, but they can record past experiences to improve future wound healing.
Many people still believe that men share cosmetics with women for savings, but after reading this article you will no longer want to do so.
Black patches and rash appear in the nape, maybe you have diabetes or signs of stomach cancer, liver.
Infants from birth always contain hidden secrets and interesting things that no one can discover. Especially for mothers
Women like men who have healthier skin than a masculine face, according to research by scientists from Malaysia.
British scientists have for the first time created skin stem cells from people with Parkinson's disease - common tremor in the elderly.