Food helps skin to catch the sun

In order to prevent the skin from being devastated by ultraviolet rays in the sun, you should eat lots of bean sprouts, green vegetables, egg yolks, liver . because they contain lots of vitamin E. This substance reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays absorption of skin with sunlight.

Picture 1 of Food helps skin to catch the sun

In vegetables, carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene
(Photo: netmode.vietnamnet)

Scientifically proven, foods rich in selenium, beta-carotene and vitamins A, E, C . will help the skin fight free radicals, while sunlight is the agent to create free radicals. due to this. Therefore, these substances should be supplied to the body through food or medicine during the hot season.

Selenium: High in meat, shellfish, cheese and protein-rich foods. Selenium avoids the body from sun damage, makes it easier for the skin to tan, to limit the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, to slow the aging of the skin by fighting free radicals. So during the hot season, you need to use plenty of foods containing selenium to increase skin protection performance (equivalent to 200 g of vegetables per day). Adults often suffer from selenium deficiency, especially for smokers.

Beta-carotene: Stimulates the formation of melanin pigment and also acts against free radicals, stimulates the immune system and contributes to the renewal of cells. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A that helps fight the creation of collagenaz, an enzyme that breaks down the skin's collagen structure. Carrots, epinard, apricots, grapefruit . very rich in this substance. Upon entering the body, beta-carotene in fruits, vegetables, and tubers will turn into carotene, stimulating the division of cells at the epithelium, making skin cells always renewed.

Vitamin A: Supporting scarring and helping to renew and rejuvenate skin cells. Viamin A is abundant in animal tissues in the form of retinol. Therefore, the lack of vitamin A easily causes hyperkeratosis, flaking, keratosis, hair loss and premature silver. Vitamin A also limits infections, including skin infections. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil, liver, egg yolks, orange-colored tubers, fruits and dark green vegetables.

Vitamin C: Very effective in preventing skin aging. When entering the body, vitamin C helps reduce skin allergies, helps absorb iron easily, increases the red color of blood, helps the skin more pink and increases the body's resistance to common infections in the skin. In addition, vitamin C also works to protect blood vessel walls and is indispensable in reducing wrinkles of the skin thanks to the synthesis of collgen to protect the skin. Vitamin C is abundant in plant sprouts, bean sprouts, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, lemons, tangerines, riots, strawberries .