The 'mysterious doctors' in the home help you to effectively prevent disease

Do not overlook the food in your kitchen because they can be 'mysterious doctors' and help you prevent illness very well.

'Doctor' internal medicine

Beer - prevention of heart disease: Experiments show that if maintaining a beer a day will significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It should be noted, beer can help prevent illness but can also cause disease if you drink a lot. If drinking a cup a day can prevent heart disease, taking 2 or more cups / day can lead to cardiovascular disorders.

Orange juice - prevention of high blood pressure: Orange juice is rich in potassium, calcium and vitamin C, so it can help lower blood pressure. Therefore, create a habit of drinking orange juice, help maintain stable blood pressure, and also reduce the risk of developing heart disease caused by high blood pressure.

Fish - asthma prevention: Research finds, eating a lot of fish helps cool and replenish the lungs, which can reduce asthma symptoms. This is due to the high magnesium content in fish, which helps reduce asthma symptoms.

For people with asthma, doctors recommend that, at best, 3 meals daily must have at least one meal of fish or other seafood.

Ginger - helps reduce nausea: Nausea is often caused by hypoglycemia. Fresh ginger can help blood to maintain certain sugar levels. If you suffer from motion sickness, bring some fresh ginger or drink fresh ginger powder beforehand to prevent dizziness and vomiting.

Corn - prevention of nephritis: Corn has a diuretic, swollen, blood pressure effect, which is beneficial for internal organs, especially kidneys. Japanese people often give some corn flour to drink tea in the morning to help treat chronic nephritis.

Tea - relieves headache: Headaches are often caused by changes in blood vessels. At this time, drink a cup of tea, caffeine in tea can inhibit narrowing of blood vessels, relieve headache.

Almond Chocolate - Reduces the risk of memory loss: Almonds are wrapped in vitamin E-rich chocolates, which can effectively slow down the aging of the brain caused by age.

Picture 1 of The 'mysterious doctors' in the home help you to effectively prevent disease
Many foods in your home have a wonderful preventive and curative effect

Dermatologist 'Doctor'

Baldness - baldness: Science has proven that people who regularly eat lean beef, though unable to fully solve the problem of hair loss, can at least slow the risk of baldness.

Oats - prevention of skin itching: The substance of avenanthramide in oatmeal is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that heals wounds, used to treat itching and dry skin. You can put oatmeal in bath water (warm water) or use a lotion that contains oat extract to apply to the skin.

Garlic - foot fungus treatment: Applying garlic to pain can help inhibit and remove fungi, reduce itching caused by fungi.


Flaxseed oil - Treatment of dysmenorrhea: According to experts, when prostaglandin enters the tissues of the body, the uterus will produce a spasmodic reaction, which is an important factor in dysmenorrhea. Eating linseed oil can prevent prostaglandin release.

Therefore, experts suggest, the best menstrual cramps should eat 1 - 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil / day, can spread on bread or eat with salad.

Picture 2 of The 'mysterious doctors' in the home help you to effectively prevent disease
Don't underestimate the food in your kitchen because they can be 'mysterious doctors'

'Doctor' foreign surgery

Onions - treat sting bee sting: If a bee sting, use a fresh onion slice on the bee stings. In onions have anti-inflammatory compounds that can prevent toxins from developing and preventing inflammation.

Bananas - reduce foot frostbite: Gently rub the banana peel and gently rub the hands and feet, then rinse with warm water will reduce swelling caused by frostbite.

'Ear nose and throat doctor

Chamomile tea - treat mouth ulcers: Mix a cup of chrysanthemum tea, let it cool and drink, do not swallow quickly, but it should be swallowed for a while before drinking, every two hours. Doing so may reduce the inflammation symptoms caused by mouth ulcers.

Clove - Treat toothache: Just rub a little clove essential oil into the inflamed, painful teeth, after a few minutes you will feel numb, analgesic, antiseptic immediately effective.