Cell technology breakthrough helps heal large wounds on the skin

Instead of waiting for a wound to heal or implant, the researchers have the idea to directly convert the cells in the wound into healthy new skin cells.

That is the breakthrough idea of ​​researchers at Salk Biological Research Institute (San Diego, California A, USA). And they have achieved this achievement by injecting the virus that has been transformed into a deep and wide wound of a mouse. The stem cells in the damaged area were then converted into new skin cells.

Picture 1 of Cell technology breakthrough helps heal large wounds on the skin
An infrared photograph shows the cuticle's skin is being repaired by stem cells immediately.

These viruses, which act as vectors, carry metabolic factors that push mesenchymal cells (ie stem cells) onto the surface of the body, and manifest as new genes. Then they become epithelial cells, ie cells of the skin.

According to Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, the head of the study, the mice treated in this way were healed in just two weeks. Also according to him, the theoretical healing time will be similar in humans, while if you have to perform transplantation, the time required up to four weeks. And also, this method has the ability to seamlessly wound any size, without the need for a " skin " resource .

According to TS. Jérôme Lamartine, a biologist at the University of Lyon (France), did not take part in this study, but was also interested in seeing these results are remarkable, especially for the Injury is deep but when the transplant is still ineffective.

However, he also expressed caution when transferring the method to humans, because our skin has a thicker and more complex cuticle, especially with deep layers of skin tissue. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the risk of tumors, long-term studies of primates or pigs before long-term clinical trials in humans.

So from now on we can be healed skin in just two weeks, a hope to no longer suffer from transplantation?