Sky geese can fly in poor oxygen conditions

A new study of the ability of birds to fly high and survive in harsh conditions is significant for those suffering from hypoxia-related diseases.

A team of international scientists followed the flight of geese through the Himalayas. They were astonished to see the geese flying at full speed, only breathing in conditions when the oxygen content was only 7%.

These geese can fly at altitudes up to 10,000m and only one African vulture is lost. Please add that the plane is not up to that height.

Picture 1 of Sky geese can fly in poor oxygen conditions

High flying is a problem, because at the same height as on the peaks, the air has only 7% oxygen, compared with 21% of oxygen at sea level. Therefore, mountain climbers must use more oxygen tanks when conquering the highest peaks of the world.

Scientists from Bangor City University and Birmingham University simulated the conditions of Mount Everest with a training machine to check how the geese performed exercises in conditions of low oxygen, then they forced The bird must run as fast as possible on the closed track like a box.

According to the scientist at Penryn Campus Exeter University, all the problems are how much oxygen can provide heart muscle to the heart muscle. The more oxygen is supplied, the more geese can force the heart to beat fast and maintain adequate oxygen supply to other organs in the body.

This shows that other species, including humans, are restricted to the ability of the heart to function. That's why the infarction and stroke leave dangerous consequences for people.

Through this study, we find that adapting to the environment can help solve the problem , first of all, to practice so that the human body can be like a bird in response to harsh conditions. .