Smart home prospect

It sounds like a joke, but the new generation of high-tech satellites can analyze waste samples, allowing users to generalize their health situation.

>>>The smart house controlled by thought

After a complete analysis of the waste sample, the results will be sent directly to the doctor who will assess the health status of the subject.

It is the prospect of the next 15 years by the world's leading future analyst, Frank Shaw, in a new report published by The Sun newspaper.

Picture 1 of Smart home prospect
Vision of smart home in 2027 - (Photo: Plusnet)

The expert of the Future Research Center (UK) also predicts a final change in the house after 15 years, such as:

- The face recognition program is installed at the entrance, allowing the face inspection of the person standing in front of the door with a data warehouse of crime to ensure the safety of the owner. And cars can drive themselves.

- The sensors can manage all the objects in the house, avoiding the loss of furniture.

- Communication system connecting all household electrical appliances, from TVs, desk computers, players, wireless gaming devices .

- Smart home programming technology, allowing you to control everything with smartphones.

- The system has a sensor cabinet that immediately informs homeowners when all food is gone, while the sensors will calculate the best diet for each family member, depending on the needs of each individual.

- Walls, ceilings and floors will be fitted with interactive touch screens, lifting entertainment through computer games and 3D movies to a whole new level.

- Wardrobe will be filled with clothing made of smart fabric, which can automatically adjust the wearer's temperature and monitor their health.