Smartphones can soon be equipped with the ability to look through walls, thanks to the next-generation image chip.

Japan's Dai Nippon Printing (DNP) has announced a plastic cover that could soon replace the glass screen of smartphones and tablets.

Quancomm has partnered with Project RAY to launch smartphones for the blind and people with low vision. With this power, the user will not need to look at the screen with only

No matter which smartphone we have, we need to charge the battery. Many companies are anxious to create office furniture with built-in wireless chargers, including desks.

NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., Is developing three PhoneSat satellites, each with a size of 10cm / side and weighing less than 1.8kg, according to a

Intel (USA) has developed a StressSense system that allows one to identify a person's normal voice. To do this, the user has to relax and read a snippet of the book that lasts 3

This is the ordering product of Vodafone Telecom. Booster Brolly is equipped with 12 x 2 volt solar panels on the umbrella. They play the role of converting solar energy into

Next-generation smartphones and tablet PCs will be equipped with a real, transparent keyboard powder that only emerges when needed. The Tactus Center in California, USA, has

In 2008, the Nokia Research Center in collaboration with the University of Cambridge (UK) developed a nano-sized telephone device called Morph.

According to a new patent application, Nokia wants to create tattoos capable of announcing that you have just received a new message or have an incoming call. Does the phone