Smokers reduce vision quickly

Smokers are at four times more likely to suffer from visual impairment in age-related macular degeneration than non-smokers. A study by Australian scientists published in the Journal of Ophthalmology on August 13 recommended above.

Picture 1 of Smokers reduce vision quickly To come to this conclusion, the research team, led by Professor Jennifer Tan of the University of Sydney, followed 2,454 people over 49 years in 10 years. According to the above study, the average person with smoking deteriorates vision sooner than the non-smoker for 5 years.

People who have ever smoked but have abandoned this habit are also at risk of vision loss due to macular degeneration 3 times higher than those who have never smoked. This test shows that tobacco still has a long-term harm even if people no longer smoke.

Macular degeneration is a chronic disease that affects the central part of the retina, blurring or losing the central image of the vision.

N. Luu