Solar refrigerators support Covid-19 vaccination program

In the spring of 2021, a young female engineer in Kenya designed a solar-powered refrigerator. This is considered a convenient device that can help preserve and transport the Covid-19 vaccine to many places without electricity.

Picture 1 of Solar refrigerators support Covid-19 vaccination program
This solar refrigerator is quite compact and can be transported by bicycle.

BBC (UK) on January 4 reported that female engineer Norah Magero designed this product after some farmers asked her to help them keep cow's milk fresh during the journey to the market.

The convenient refrigerator can receive energy from the Sun and is equipped with a USB port to plug in a phone. This solar-powered refrigerator is compact enough to fit on a bicycle or motorbike.

Not only stopping at milk preservation, Ms. Norah Magero realized her initiative could be useful in injecting Covid-19 vaccine in rural areas without electricity.

In addition to the Covid-19 vaccine, many other drugs and vaccines also need to be kept in the refrigerator, so health experts see the lack of electricity as a significant obstacle to implementing a vaccination program for the entire population of Kenya. Therefore, the solar refrigerator is considered the solution to this "difficult problem".

Magero's solar refrigerator is now called a Vaccibox and is used to distribute vaccines at two rural locations in Kenya.