SpaceShipTwo spacecraft reached a height of 21,640m

Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo spacecraft flew to a height of 21,640 m during a test in the California desert sky.

>>>SpaceShipTwo spacecraft tests rocket performance

Picture 1 of SpaceShipTwo spacecraft reached a height of 21,640m
SpaceShipTwo is an improved version of SpaceShipOne - (Photo: Virgin Galactic)

About 50 minutes after being taken up by the WhiteKnightTwo transport aircraft to the intended ambush point, SpaceShipTwo activated the hybrid rocket engine for combustion for about 20 seconds and reached a maximum speed of Mach 1.4 when reaching a height of 21,640m, According to NBC News.

On the way back, the pilot temporarily adjusted the wings of SpaceShipTwo to reduce the speed of falling. The spacecraft ended the test flight when it flew to Mojave air and space port.

Virgin Galactic, the company founded by billionaire Richard Branson, said it could launch space travel flights this year, becoming the first company in the world to offer this service.

SpaceShipTwo is designed to carry 2 pilots and 6 passengers. The fare for a trip is currently at $ 250,000, and there are more than 600 registered passengers.