Spiders have a horror ability that new scientific hours have discovered

This ability can make people afraid of spiders feel . out of wanting to live.

In this world, the most terrifying creatures are either more than 4 feet, or no legs at all, and the spider belongs to the first case.

People are afraid of spiders for many reasons. They have many legs, hairy leaves, deadly venom. Sometimes, the name "spider" is already a scary thing.

Picture 1 of Spiders have a horror ability that new scientific hours have discovered
Sometimes, the name "spider" itself is a scary thing.

But all is still nothing compared to the horror ability that scientists have discovered recently. Believe it, spiders can migrate by . swimming across the sea - SWIMMING, don't have to follow people's boats.

That's what experts from the University of Adelaide (Australia) have announced about the spider door collapsing (trapdoor spider - Moggridgea rainbowi) . Specifically, Australian trap spider belongs to the same species as the spider spider in South Africa. However, for many years scientists still debate how this spider migrated from Africa to Australia.

Picture 2 of Spiders have a horror ability that new scientific hours have discovered
Spider trap.

One of the hypotheses is that the trap spider has "swam" through the Indian Ocean, through tiny "rafts" made of dirt. However, this theory is said to be "crazy ", because the size of this spider is too small - about 3.5cm (equivalent to a coin).

Yet the new scientific evidence finds that this hypothesis is true.

The spider spider has arrived in Australia at a very confusing time

Australian and South African spider webs share a specific DNA sequence, suggesting that they belong to the same genus, but separated in about 2 to 16 million years ago. In particular, spiders in Australia only appear in about 1-6 million years.

It was too late for any geological tectonic movement to occur, but it was too early for humans to intervene. So, the only and most crazy ability is that they swim through the sea alone.

Picture 3 of Spiders have a horror ability that new scientific hours have discovered
Australian and South African spider webs share a common DNA sequence.

"We used to think that this spider was separated from Africa 95 million years ago. However, this study shows that the Australian species of M rainbowi has been separated from African trap spiders 16 million years ago. This time is different from the appearance of humans and the ability of the tectonic plates to move " - Sophie Harrison, University of Adelaide master said.

According to Harrison, it seems that some of the land has fallen into the sea with the spider, following waves that reach Australia.

"This spider's nest is designed like a trapdoor, so it is quite safe. Perhaps that's why they can move to a new land." - Harrison added.

Picture 4 of Spiders have a horror ability that new scientific hours have discovered
The nest of this spider is designed like a hatch, so it is quite safe.

If Harrison's hypothesis is recognized, the spider will be one of two organisms capable of migrating across the sea to a whole new continent.

Previously, science believed that monkeys from Africa also traveled to Australia on this path, about 34-37 million years ago.