Strange animal-raising techniques of animals

The concept of being a good mother is not the same, at least for some organisms in nature. There are biological mothers who use their own bodies as food to teach them how to eat meat. The following are the most bizarre teaching tricks in the animal world.


Mother chickens take the task very seriously. With the ability to produce countless eggs for a lifetime and a total of 30 times more eggs than their own body weight, mother chickens must always find ways to provide enough calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to produce egg shells for their babies. If you don't eat enough calcium, the hen will break down its bones to have an egg shell that covers the baby.


It can be said that in the animal world, no one can make parents as healthy as cuckoo. They specialize in laying eggs in other bird nests, often they share, forcing their parents to raise their babies until they leave the nest.

The young birds usually hatch earlier than the birds' eggs, and grow faster, forcing the intestines of the parents to slip out of the nest to take care of the adoptive parents. And the adoptive parents are not surprised or complained when they see their children (in fact, the cuckoo) is bigger than me.

Picture 1 of Strange animal-raising techniques of animals
The warbler cuckoo is his baby - Photo: Wikipedia

Ants suck blood

Adetomyrma , the tiny ant species on the list can be extinct in Madagascar, there is an incredible way to prove love to children. When the queen lays larvae, it and the worker ants will puncture the larvae to suck the haemolymph fluid, equivalent to the blood in animals. The ants don't die when they are sucked in blood like that, and the scientific world is still not sure why this kind of strange love is so.

Gray whale

Pacific gray whales have to travel thousands of kilometers from the plankton-rich and cold waters in the North Pole to reach the nutrient-poor tropical lagoons in the Gulf of Mexico to give birth. This action is to protect children from dangerous goby in the area, as well as giving the young enough time to breastfeed and form the skin to retain heat before returning to the original place.

Like hibernating bears, mother whales suffer from hunger and hunger every month while continuing to produce calorie-rich breast milk for their children. As a result, they can take up to 8 tons of weight during the nesting process.


For many spiders, mating is also the time to end their lives. If the male spider is eaten by the spider to get enough nutrients during pregnancy, the female spider will die soon after, when the baby spider is 1 month old. At that time, the mother spider turned over her body to feed the spider. When growing up, the young spiders will plunge into the fight of eating as many brothers and sisters as possible before leaving their mother's spider web.

Sea lice

A female lice are often forced to conceive with up to 24 other lice, because male lice always mate with many children at the same time. The worst thing is that when the baby is born, the mother louse sits in a place and waits for hundreds of lice to chew her body from inside to get out to the outside world.

Poison frog

With a tiny size, 3 to 4 cm long, the poisonous frog species is dubbed the superman mother in the biological world. After laying at most 5 eggs and watching for them to hatch, the mother frog takes each of them to the top of the tree up to 30m high.

When hiding children safely, the mother frog left to find areas of ponds, lakes or puddles for each of her children, not raising them together. Within 6 to 8 weeks, the mother frog raised each child with eggs without embryos to avoid the catastrophe of each other.