Strange fish found in Antarctica: Has white blood, will die if the temperature exceeds 5 degrees

In 2019, a group of scientists went to Antarctica to make a scientific documentary and suddenly discovered a new species of fish here. Scientists share that their research topic is the study of marine species living in harsh environments. Therefore, they used fishing nets to sweep the seabed and accidentally found many new species, including this ice fish.

Strange fish

This ice fish has been identified by scientists as a new species. They have a pale pink color, smooth, sticky skin and at first glance they look like a joint species of tadpoles and snails. This particular ice fish can only live in cold water. They will die when the temperature rises more than 5 degrees Celsius because of overheating.

It can be seen that, if people want to bring this icefish to another place, they will have to ensure the temperature of the tank is always below 5 degrees Celsius. Lead researcher Professor Andrew Stewart said: "I have not yet. I can't figure out what kind of fish this is. They're endemic to Antarctica and I haven't seen them anywhere else. The patterns on its fins are different from those I've seen before."

In terms of appearance and color, this new species of ice fish is completely different from the population of ice fish of up to 60 million that was discovered in February 2021 in the Weddell Sea in Antarctica. This huge school of ice fish was discovered by the German polar research vessel Polarstern when it was surveying the seabed. The discovery of the school of fish was a surprise because the research vessel's initial mission was to survey ocean currents.

Picture 1 of Strange fish found in Antarctica: Has white blood, will die if the temperature exceeds 5 degrees
Scientists have found a new type of ice fish in Antarctica.

On a distance of 6km under the sea floor, scientists have found countless nests of fish. There is a fish nest in every 3m2 jar. Each nest is 75cm in diameter, about 15cm deep and contains more than 1,000 eggs. On each nest is an adult fish guarding. This school of fish lives on an area of ​​​​more than 240 square kilometers. According to estimates by scientists, this school of fish has about 60 million fish.

Ice fish is known to be a very unique animal that can live in the coldest marine environment on Earth. Icefish are divided into 33 different genera. Most icefish have broad pectoral and two dorsal fins supported by long, flexible spines.

A rather unique feature of ice fishes is that they do not have scales. This makes it easier to support the ability to absorb oxygen through seawater. Ice fish have no bubbles, so they spend most of their lives on the ocean floor. They usually feed on edematous organisms, small fish and mollusks.

The first ice fish was found in 1927 by zoologist Ditlef Rustad during an expedition to Antarctic waters. The fish this scientist pulled up was eventually named black icefish (Chaenocephalus aceratus).

Why do ice fish live in cold environments?

Ice fish is a species that can survive a global freeze 42 million years ago that caused a series of species to become extinct. They have diverged from the line of spiny fish to evolve into ice fish. Because ice fish live in cold environments, they also have many interesting characteristics.

Specifically, their bodies turn to the production of proteins that act like a kind of "antifreeze". Scientists analyzed the genome of icefish and discovered that the β-globin gene and the α-globin gene were mutated into a pseudogene that did not participate in hemoglobin synthesis. It was this transformation that helped them survive the ice age.

Picture 2 of Strange fish found in Antarctica: Has white blood, will die if the temperature exceeds 5 degrees
Another population of icefish is found in Antarctica.

Icefish are vertebrates but lack the functional hemoglobin gene. Icefish lacks hemoglobin, so it can adapt well to the conditions of Antarctica with cold temperature (-20C) and high O2 concentration. Their blood is not red from other animals, but white. This is because their bodies cannot make red blood cells that carry oxygen in the blood.

Despite the lack of hemoglobin, ice fish still have enough oxygen, thanks to the direct diffusion mechanism into the blood. A large number of small blood vessels under the skin help the fish get enough diffused O2. Ice fish always live in a state of constant anemia. They have an oversized heart and very low mineral density bones. While these traits can cause health problems, they are essential for the survival of the icefish.

Research results of the University of Bochum, Germany show that in the blood of icefish there is a type of anticoagulant glycoprotein in the blood. Glycoproteins can hydrate water molecules, thereby preventing the freezing of liquids, especially at low temperatures.

Picture 3 of Strange fish found in Antarctica: Has white blood, will die if the temperature exceeds 5 degrees
This new species of ice fish cannot live in environments greater than 5 degrees Celsius.

The scientists observed how the anticoagulant glycoprotein and water molecules work. In the presence of glycoprotein antifreeze, the water molecule is stable and "volatile" according to the law. Based on the special antifreeze effect of glycoproteins, Antarctic fish can swim freely in low temperature environments.

According to a study by John Postlethwait laureate from the University of Oregon, the genome of the ice fish is very important to humans. Because these traits arose over evolutionary time in icefish, we can help solve similar problems in humans such as osteoporosis, decreased ability to make blood cells, circulatory system problems. , fattigue…

The danger of extinction is not far away

Although the number of species of ice fish in the world to date is about 100 different species, scientists have warned that they are critically endangered.

According to Professor Thomas Near of Yale University, USA, the main factor pushing ice fish to the brink of extinction is global warming. In recent years, the temperature at the North and South poles of the Earth has been increasing rapidly. Antarctica is one of the areas most affected by climate change, typically with warmer water temperatures. When the temperature rises to a certain limit, it is difficult to say whether the ice fish can continue to live.

Picture 4 of Strange fish found in Antarctica: Has white blood, will die if the temperature exceeds 5 degrees
Scientists are looking for ways to tackle global warming to prevent the extinction of ice fish.

In particular, the Antarctic icefish are very heat constrained, they cannot live long at temperatures higher than the temperature they currently live in. As sea water temperatures increase with global warming, it is also a reminder that if Antarctic ice fish are increasingly exposed to higher temperatures, survival and development are certain. their will be affected.

Not only facing the risk of climate change, the life of ice fish is seriously threatened because they are the main food source for penguins, seals and toothed whales.

Forecasts of threats to Antarctic icefish have forced experts to actively look for alternatives. However, in reality, at present, there is no method that can help preserve them in a sustainable way. And even if humans meet their emissions reduction goals, the risk that some populations will disappear remains. The best measures are to keep ice fish habitat, promote solutions to prevent global warming.