Strange illness makes it difficult to get up early

There are many reasons why we lie in bed and don't wake up like blankets too warm and it's too cold. However, it is sometimes difficult to wake up because of a disease called dysania.

"Dysania is the term for not being able to wake up in the morning," Dr. Mark Salter from the Royal University of Psychiatry told the BBC. "That kind of behavior is sometimes seen in patients with severe depression." Until now, dysania has not been medically recognized but still widely used.

Not simply feeling sleepier than usual, dysania refers to being unable to leave the bed long . People who are thought to have this disease may stay in bed for days, worrying about waking up and "lusting" back to bed as soon as they leave.

Picture 1 of Strange illness makes it difficult to get up early
Dysania implies the situation of not being able to leave the extended bed.(Photo: BBC).

In order to identify a person with dysania or clinomania ( Dr. Salter's desire to lie in bed all day) , he first checks physically. He will ask whether patients with other dysania symptoms are often symptoms of underlying illnesses such as depression or chronic fatigue syndrome, but are rarely diagnosed as a separate disorder.

If no other symptoms appear, the patient may simply have difficulty getting up early, not dysania.

If you are unsure about your sleep more than usual, you should best change your habits first. First, adjust the sleep time. Besides getting between six and nine hours of sleep each night, set the bedtime and get up permanently. The key to good sleep is relaxation. You can soak in hot water or exercise, light yoga and get into bed.

Next, don't forget to remove all distracting electronic devices like mobile phones and computers. Finally, if it's too hard to fall asleep, have sex. Unlike other physical activities, sexual relations help people sleep better.

After all these things, if you still can't get up early and suffer from severe stress, see your doctor. You may feel like a lazy person but no one knows for sure until you go to the doctor.