Find out the secret behind

The syndrome is afraid of oddities, which makes 15% of the world's population suffer from more clues.

We humans have countless fears, and there are fears, from fear of darkness, fear of heights, fear of spiders, fear of water . And recently, scientists have also confirmed a society. evidence that up to 15% of the world's population is affected by this: trypophobia.

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This syndrome was not initially recognized by a medical condition as a disease.

First seen in 2005, this syndrome was not initially recognized by a medical condition as a disease. However, many people said they felt really scared before the holes. Many cases of goose bumps, arrhythmias, even difficulty breathing.

And then through a number of studies, scientists have identified the reason that only some people suffer from this strange syndrome: because the brain is overloaded.

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The bubbles in the coffee cup sometimes made them shiver.(Photo: Getty Images).

More specifically, according to Paul Hibbard - professor of psychology at the University of Essex (UK), the holes and images with textures can be said to be very uncomfortable, making the area responsible for analyzing visual information work effectively.

So to be able to process information, the brain will require more oxygen. However, for some people, requiring too much oxygen will overload the brain, and the body responds with feelings like dizziness, nausea . to force these people to stop looking. .

Picture 3 of Find out the secret behind
Do you feel goosebumps when you look at this picture?

Scientists are still continuing to study more about the mechanism that causes this syndrome. Initially, the reason was determined because of the evolutionary process, when the hole image also feels similar to seeing mold on food.

Feeling uncomfortable when looking at such shaped objects allows us humans to stay away from potentially poisonous foods.

The fear of hole syndrome (also called Trypophobia) is an obsessive syndrome when we observe objects with small holes or bruises, first proposed at an online forum in 2005.

People with this syndrome say they have goosebumps, a sense of horror, obsession, fear, nausea, dizziness when they see images of round holes or groups of round holes, such as honeycomb , lotus bowl, perforated hole in the trunk, hole tattoos on human body, fruit, bubble .

  1. The source of trypophobia pneumonia