In contrast to every mother and father in the world, whenever she saw a happy and happy 7-year-old son, Toni felt fear of ligation.

Maria was born on May 7, 1981, but when she was 9 months old, her body stopped growing. Normally at her age, most people had their own families and children. But everything from

Every day after carrying her son into bed, Katie Booth sat in the kitchen and looked at the dozens of photos she took during the day.

For Freyah Rose Lyons, everything is black and white because she suffers from a rare syndrome that makes her eyes unable to see any color.

When Jessica Ward was born, doctors told her parents that she could not live past 1 year.

Emma, 24, an Englishman, is one of 200 people in the world who suffer from this rare syndrome. Her parents had to wake up 60 times a night when the alarm rang her to sleep.

Scientists have found the cause of excessive foot fetish syndrome and sometimes lead to unusual actions.

Ben Green, 10, has always been supervised by his parents for hours to prevent him from eating anything in his hand ... including cat food and toothpaste.

What Alex Hannard wants most is being able to play in the yard with his friends but it is impossible because a grass can kill the boy.

Hollie Shaw, 7, suffers from a rare syndrome that makes her skin as fragile as a butterfly's.