Strange people see 99 million colors

After 20 years of research, a devoted scientist has discovered that women can see 99 million colors more than normal people.

The unidentified woman could not see through the wall or emit thermal rays, but the color depth was greater than any other person in the world.

Picture 1 of Strange people see 99 million colors
Ordinary people have 3 types of cones. (Source: Daily Mail)

Visual acuity is one of the most complex senses on the human body, and the way the eyes receive color is governed by visual cells called cones . Most people have three types of cone cells, also known as 'three colors'. People with color blindness have only two types of cone cells.

Discover magazine said TS. Jordan and his colleagues found that many people had more than three types of cone cells, but only one of them passed the tests in which they had to look at three colorful circles only a very small difference. Therefore, only people with multiple cones can distinguish.

The woman with the number cDa29 is a doctor living in northern England who has that strange ability. According to the team, the woman with special eyesight is thanks to one more type of cone cell.

Reference: Daily Mail