Strange star groups move rapidly to disturb the Milky Way

A strange group of stars has just been found in the center of the Milky Way, with unpredictable moves.

Picture 1 of Strange star groups move rapidly to disturb the Milky Way
According to information from a group of scientists from the European Space Agency, in the center of the Milky Way there exists a strange star group that has unusual activities compared to other astronomical objects in the galaxy. this.

Picture 2 of Strange star groups move rapidly to disturb the Milky Way
Specifically, strange star groups move at speeds of up to 20 km̵¹.This is a "speed" figure, higher than the average speed of existing stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

Picture 3 of Strange star groups move rapidly to disturb the Milky Way
There is currently no evidence to explain the tremendous movement speed of this strange star group.

Picture 4 of Strange star groups move rapidly to disturb the Milky Way
However, one theory is that this strange star cluster lies deep within the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.It was the thrust of the intermittent interaction of this twisted arm that had more or less affected the strange star group.Thanks to the impact thrust, this star group has a chance to move faster than the surrounding stars.