Strange strange star turns around invisible black hole

The strange star in the cluster NGC 3201 has very strange behavior. It seems to be revolving around an invisible black hole with a mass of about four solar masses and surprising scientists.

Astronomers use ESO's MUSE device on the Very Large Telescope in Chile to discover a strange star in NGC 3201 cluster.

It seems to be spinning around with a mass about four times the Sun. This large black hole is thought to be inactive and was first found in a globular cluster.

Picture 1 of Strange strange star turns around invisible black hole
This particular star cluster is called NGC 3201 and is located in the southern constellation of Vela (The Sails).(Image source: Phys).

This important discovery contributed greatly to our understanding of the formation of star clusters, black holes and the origin of gravitational wave events in space.

This particular star cluster is called NGC 3201 and is located in the southern constellation of Vela (The Sails). A group of international astronomers discovered that one of NGC 3201's stars worked oddly - it was being thrown forward and moved at a rate of several hundred thousand kilometers per hour with the model. Repeat every 167 days around a strange object.

It is estimated that this strange star weighs about 0.8 solar masses.

The main author Benjamin Giesers (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany) is intrigued by this star's behavior: "It revolves around something completely invisible, has four times the mass of the sun - this can only be a black hole '.

The relationship between black holes and globular star clusters is something important but mysterious. Because of their large mass and large age, these clusters are thought to have produced a large number of black holes, which were created when their massive stars exploded, ending their lifetimes.