Strange woman grows hair in ... benefits

More than 10 years ago, a 19-year-old woman went to see doctors at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in Italy and surprised the doctors.

In fact, a study from previous documents revealed only 5 other similar cases but all were men from the 1960s.

However, it is impossible to know how many people have been affected with this condition throughout history because there are so few recorded examples, doctors have had a hard time figuring out why this this happened.

Picture 1 of Strange woman grows hair in ... benefits
Doctors were startled to find several eyelash-like hairs protruding from the soft tissue just behind the girl's upper incisors.

In this case, pathologists quickly found potential clues to explain the reason. Hormonal and ultrasound tests lead to the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) , a condition associated with hormonal imbalances.

Girl's syndrome may be a common consequence of this imbalance. But such atypical growth is often restricted to parts of the body that have grown hair follicles such as the face, trunk and limbs.

The hairs are removed by surgery and after an oral process will help solve the hormonal imbalance, patients return to life without mouth hair. In a least time.

But 6 years later, the unnamed patient returned to the clinic. After stopping the hormonal drug, her strange illness returned.

This time, the medical team was not only waxing, they had the opportunity to take a small piece of tissue to take a closer look under the microscope.

A year later the girl's condition continued to worsen, with hair growing from various locations around her mouth.

Although it's hard to say for sure, the researchers think that because the mucosal tissue in the mouth is closely related to the tissues that make up our skin while we're embryos, it's not hard to imagine. How hair cells can be activated in theory.

Unfortunately, there is currently no information on whether patients will return to their prescribed medication. Doctors are also unsure whether the abnormalities of teeth affect the girl's health.