The woman grows a beard like a man

An English woman suffers from ovarian cancer, causing her to grow a beard around her mouth like a man.

Siobhain Fletcher, 36, is living in Leek, Staffordshire (England), still having to shave daily after discovering the beard growing around her mouth since she was 17 years old. There have been many times outsiders mistakenly believe she is a man.

With a face full of beard, Siobhain often encountered sarcasm from the people around him. She had to go through a long time of suffering and struggle with the anomalies. There are times when she feels extremely inferior and does not dare to meet people.

Picture 1 of The woman grows a beard like a man
Ms. Siobhain with a beard like a man.

Siobhain's skin is quite sensitive, so waxing is almost impossible. Using other means is also ineffective because that way only 10 to 15 hairs can be removed at a time, while her beard is too thick.

An effective hair removal method now uses laser technology, but Siobhain is also unable to remove hair by this method because it is too expensive.

Initially, Siobhain did not know what caused her to grow a beard until 2000 - when doctors diagnosed her with ovarian cyst disease - a phenomenon that could cause people to grow beard a lot, cycle. irregular prayer, weight gain and difficulty conceiving.

The development of her beard is due to the outstanding development of testosterone levels, so it can be treated with hormone therapy to eliminate excess testosterone, but this method can make it difficult for women to conceive.

Therefore, Siobhain decided not to use hair removal methods and accepted to live with a strong beard on his face. She even left the beard to go to donate to prostate cancer patients. She called for more than 700 pounds to be raised.