Strange world of orchids

Although it has been dubbed the elegantly beautiful flower, some flowers have strange shapes like monkey faces or stench to attract insects.

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Picture 1 of Strange world of orchids
Lan family has more than 20,000 species of flowers (4 times higher than the number of mammals) and more than 800 flowers in the world.In particular, about 2,000 genera of species Bulbophyllum are found in tropical rainforests.

Picture 2 of Strange world of orchids
Orchids can live and grow in many climatic conditions, from humid tropical forests to extreme cold, from high or even underground.However, in order to thrive, each flower needs different environmental conditions.The best growing condition of orchids Dendrobium alexandrae (photo) is above on moss-covered trees in the misty forest.

Picture 3 of Strange world of orchids
Orchids can bloom in a few hours, but can bloom up to 6 months without destruction.However, some plants take several years to bloom.

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According to the researchers, orchids have many distinct and distinctive smells, from difficult to smell, to sweet, like vanilla.The smell of rotting flesh of some flowers may attract flies, while pleasant scent species will attract bees to pollinate.

Picture 5 of Strange world of orchids
Orchids can grow on or around rocks.Many species have a simple way of survival, like growing from the ground like grass.However, most orchids are epiphytes, anchoring but not parasitic on sturdier trees and mostly growing high.

Picture 6 of Strange world of orchids
Textured calyxes, unique petals like a small trap are characteristic of orchids Pahiopedilum spicerianum.Unlike other carnivorous plants, this trap will not digest insects, but only entrap insects into traps to receive pollen.

Picture 7 of Strange world of orchids
The inside petals and the external sepals with special structure will create many different unique shapes for the orchid species.Dracula orchid, or monkey face orchid, also known by other names as "small dragon" orchid (in Greek) because of the calyx part shaped like sharp and small spines.

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Characteristics of petal and petal shape are characteristics that help orchids attract small animals to help them pollinate.According to the researchers, the long purple veins of Cochleanthes amazonica orchid are the characteristics that help them attract insects.