Strangely, the stone 'grows' white hair by itself, more startled to know it costs billions of dong

It can be said that mother nature is really wonderful, contains many surprises, and an inanimate thing can be something that holds a very special mystery.

During a business trip, a man surnamed Wang in China came across a strangely large stone with white hairs growing on the surface, like the skull of a middle-aged man.

What is more surprising is that the stone was sold for 40,000 yuan (about 133 million dong). Fascinated by the stone's appearance, Mr. Wang eventually bought it for 18,000 yuan (about 67 million dong). The diameter of this "white hair" stone is about 40cm, weighs 20kg, and the "hair" part is about 15cm long.

Picture 1 of Strangely, the stone 'grows' white hair by itself, more startled to know it costs billions of dong

Picture 2 of Strangely, the stone 'grows' white hair by itself, more startled to know it costs billions of dong

Picture 3 of Strangely, the stone 'grows' white hair by itself, more startled to know it costs billions of dong

Picture 4 of Strangely, the stone 'grows' white hair by itself, more startled to know it costs billions of dong
The rock grew strange white hair.

Although he has no experience in trading or collecting antiques, Wang believes the stone is of great value.

Bringing the stone back home, Mr. Wang met with fierce opposition from his wife, who said that he was infatuated when "receiving" a strange and monstrous object, Mr. Wang and his wife had stressful days. just because of that "hair-growing" rock.

To solve the mystery behind this white hair, Wang turned to an oceanographer. After doing some research on the rock, they were able to come up with a satisfactory explanation for the man. What we believe to be 'hair' or 'fur' on the rock was actually made by an ancient sea creature.

Its corpse had covered the surface of the stone. From the residue of nutrients and appropriate moisture on that surface, microorganisms secrete thin hair-like fibers, gradually creating a thick and white "hair" like a human. As time passed, the terrain changed, the stone that was submerged deep in the ocean has surfaced due to the change of the Earth's surface and has existed until now.

This hair growth stone is said to be among the rarest in the world, very hard to find anywhere. Just placed in the right natural conditions, the smooth stone begins to 'grow hair'. Stones like these are very special and are worth several million to several tens of millions of yuan (billions of VND).