Struggling to fight, solid heads stuck in the whip's mouth

Long muzzle snake bites a solid head to win the tree war in Karnataka, India.

The spectacle of a long, green and snouty snout snout striking the lens of photographer Eshanya Sharma in Karnataka, India, Story Trender reported on February 23. Snakes also sometimes appear in the region, but witnessing such a battle is rare, Sharma said.

Picture 1 of Struggling to fight, solid heads stuck in the whip's mouth
The pair snakes tightly together on the branches.(Photo: Caters News).

In the picture, two snakes are tightly entwined, even the snakehead's head is stuck in the long muzzle of the muzzle. Not long after, the snake was chewed by the whip. It loses and becomes a good meal for predators.

The scene took place one evening, when the Sharma family lost power and it just stopped raining. His uncle came out and found a long muzzle whip hanging from a tree branch. As he approached the observer, he realized that there was a large snake also there. It disguises very well so it cannot be seen from afar.

"He felt that something special would happen so he told my father to call me to bring the camera to take a rare sight. I rushed over within a few seconds because the place was only a few meters away," Sharma said. His camera was about to run out of power at that time because the house lost power for nearly three days.

Picture 2 of Struggling to fight, solid heads stuck in the whip's mouth
The moment the long snout whip is about to bite the snake's head.(Photo: Caters News).

"When I arrived, the two snakes entered the battle. I started taking pictures, waiting for the opportunity because the camera could only capture very little. Finally the camera turned off after I took a few shots. However, I put it aside and continue to enjoy one of the most impressive natural moments I've ever met, " he said.