Successful surgery for rare facial transplants in the world

An American man lost his chin and nose, his entire teeth had a successful face transplant surgery. This is a surgery that is considered the most rare and difficult in the world.

Andy Sandness , from Wyoming, USA, was depressed and tried to kill himself with a rifle two days before Christmas in 2006. Andy had miraculously escaped death and realized the value of life. But the price to pay was that his face had been destroyed almost completely.

After nearly 10 years of living with a deformed face, the 31-year-old has undergone facial graft surgery, one of the most rare high-difficulty surgeries in the world. The surgery was conducted by doctors at Mayo Clinic, a leading global non-profit organization, specializing in health care, headquartered in Minnesota, USA.

Andy was treated at two hospitals before moving to the Mayo Clinic. There, Dr. Samir Mardini, a doctor who specializes in making face-forming surgeries, promised to correct Andy's face as best he could.

Picture 1 of Successful surgery for rare facial transplants in the world
Andy Sandness has a new face.(Photo: Associated Press Photo).

The doctors evaluated Andy's condition, he did not have a nose, chin, and only two teeth remained. Over 4 months with 8 surgeries, Andy was able to return home.

After these events, Andy was very afraid of communication and often avoided contact with children because he did not want to scare them. If someone asked what happened, Andy would lie that he had an accident while hunting.

"It was a really difficult time for Andy," said Reed Sandness, Andy's father.

In early 2012, Andy received a call from Dr. Mardini, announcing that the Mayo Clinic is intending to conduct a face transplant and Andy may be selected for surgery. Along with encouragement and support from family and friends, Andy was added to the list of organ donors in January 2016.

On June 16, 2016, Andy underwent a 56-hour face transplant surgery along with a team of about 60 people including specialists, surgeons, nurses, anesthesia . Parts. Implants include nose, cheek, mouth, lips, jaw, chin and teeth. These parts are donated from a man of the same age as Andy named Calen Ross.

The surgery was successful, after 8 months, Andy appeared with a completely new face, the face will not scare young children anymore.

Currently, he is an electric worker hoping to get married soon and have a small family of his own.